The Marketplace provides threatER customers with even greater access to high-value, multi-source cyber intelligence data and services from leading intelligence providers.
Purchase Intelligence Marketplace Feeds
Log into the threatER portal and go to Marketplace in the left-hand navigation menu to access the threatER Marketplace. On the Marketplace page, you will see a list of the partner feeds and premium services available. Some products, such as DomainTools and Webroot, are available to Enforce customers at no additional cost and display a Green checkmark tag on the card. It is not needed to subscribe as the included feeds are already accessible via Collect > Lists.
Click the tile to view a description of the feed and cost associated with adding a supplemental premium feed to the existing subscription. These premium feeds are not available for a free trial. The cost may differ from the annual subscription list price as the pricing of these products is based on the total number of Enforcers.
Review and select the "Terms and Conditions" checkbox to enable the Buy button. Select the Buy button to finalize the purchase. A modal will display providing further details about the subscription. Select OK to close the modal.
All purchases are final, and your account will be charged immediately based on the amount shown. An invoice will be sent to the billing contact shortly thereafter.
A confirmation notice will also be sent confirming the subscription purchase. The notice will also provide details regarding the list(s) that have been added to the IP and/or Domain Block List as part of the feed. Some feeds may contain more than one list, so refer to the confirmation notice for details.
Enable Marketplace Intelligence Feeds
Go to Collect > Lists to view the purchased list. The feed is immediately available in Lists once purchase is successful, with the exception of the Proofpoint Domain Block List as there is an additional step to enable this list.
Proofpoint subscription includes both an IP Threat List and a Domain Blocked List. The IP Threat List is automatically available and associated with the risk thresholds set in your policies. Admins should expect an email from the customer success team that includes an API Key and instructions on how to add and enable the Proofpoint Domain Block List.
For builds 214 and higher, Entries within an IP list are not blocked until the list is applied to a policy. To apply this new list to a policy, go to Enforce > Policies in the left menu. Select the three vertical dots next to the policy and click Edit. Hover to the Lists section and select the marketplace feeds to ensure the new feed syncs with the policies on your Enforcer.
It is highly recommended that those that have builds less than 214 update as soon as possible. Previously, domain lists, ASN lists and threat lists were all largely globally configured. With builds 214 and higher, these features are opened up, and users can selectively enable/disable these lists on a per-policy basis.
threatER is always working to increase the volume of threat intelligence available on our platform. We expect to add additional sources that includes both premium and free cyber intelligence on an ongoing basis.
Contact the threatER Customer Success team at if you have any questions about new and existing intelligence feeds.
Purchase Marketplace Services
Services can help manage and resolve threats in your network. The following services are available:
Service Name | Description |
Log Management | Advanced Data Handling, Analysis and Insights |
Threat Hunting | Find unknown threats in your network |
Platinum Support | 24x7 Support, Log, List and Block Management |
Go to the Marketplace tab in the left-hand navigation menu to request any of these services. Select "Services" from the Products drop-down to narrow down to available Services products. Click on a Service to review more information and select "Get a Quote" button to submit your interest in the service.
Someone from our team will contact you to discuss the necessary details and onboard the service to your account.
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